
Yonas Campbell

A kindred spirit of John Keats and Peter Doherty

I'm based in South London, am 24 years old and use music/poetry to express myself. Songwriting, for several years, was a remarkably spiritual experience for me; I never felt more connected to my inner life than when playing the guitar and allowing melodies to escape from my subconsciousness. These songs were pulled from deep wells of romantic longing and I used them to quell my existential fears. It was a beautiful and rich time. I miss it. Life is different now. London overwhelms and I feel slightly nostalgic for that halcyon epoch of writing in my university bedroom. 

However, since moving to this sprawling metropolis in the summer of 2022, I've been lucky to spend a lot of time in beautiful recording studios (Ghost Town, Tryptych, The Church & Lightship 95). In 2023, I recorded a cinematic indie/folk album; with luck, this will be released over the next twelve months and I can finally see my various, half-crazed and passionate musical ruminations be experienced by however many listeners I am blessed to have. 

Thanks for visiting my page. If you want to learn more about me or my work, there are several posts and lots of poetry on Instagram.

- Yonas x 

P.S. For a more detailed biography, please visit this article: